Why & how do I write this blog?

Jun 162014
Why & how do I write this blog?

Today I have had a post published on someone else’s blog, and I wanted to mention it here. It is on the wonderful blog of the even more wonderful Debbie Duncan. I know Debbie from our church. She is a lecturer in Nursing in London, and is married to our pastor Malcolm. She has four […]

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May 092014
Why aren't Christians very nice?

I remember one of the things I was taught at church as a child was this: being a Christian isn’t just about being a nice person. How true! A living Christian faith isn’t about being polite. We aren’t just called to be ‘nice’. We are called to be transformed, new people enlivened with the peace and […]

“Why am I a Christian? Habit.” – James Pollard

May 022014
"Why am I a Christian? Habit." – James Pollard

My next instalment in the “Why are you a Christian?” series is from my friend James. I owe a lot to James. He used to be my youth leader and has had a profound impact on my life. He was trying to teach me about Jesus, and he did that plenty. But on top of that, […]

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“I’m a Christian because I continue to believe it” – my mum

Apr 282014

Next up in my “Why are you a Christian?” series is my wonderful mum! Such a wonderful lady, to whom I owe so much and who inspires me greatly. Her name is Jo, she and my Dad will have been married 30 years in a few months (wow!) and she works for a school dealing with […]

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If you go to one Christian festival this year…

Apr 252014
If you go to one Christian festival this year...

Ok, I have to declare a vested interest on this one. I am part of the leadership of the youth track for this conference, but even if I weren’t I’d still think it is a great conference and very worthy way to spend a weekend in June. It’s called GO Fest, and that one word […]

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“I’m a Christian because Jesus is for real” – Cheryl Higgins

Apr 012014

It’s been a couple of weeks since the last “Why are you a Christian?” post, but I promise it hasn’t gone away. Still plenty more, and today I have a contribution from a friend called Cheryl. Cheryl is part of our church, and is also a member of the small group that Mel and I are […]

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Mar 172014
Is doubt a sin?

I’d be lying if I said I never have doubts about faith. I cannot claim to fully understand God and it’s uncomfortable. I don’t want uncertainty, but where there is uncertainty, doubt is normal. Doubt is hard enough to live with. Trying to follow God who is so wonderful He eludes our comprehension is difficult. […]

Mar 162014

This is the 5th contribution to my “Why are you a Christian?” project, and it’s unique so far in that I’ve never met the contributor. It’s by Steve Curtis, who I know solely because we are fellow Christian bloggers. He blogs over at ‘In The Fish’ – do check it out! I’ve specifically chosen today […]