
Apr 052015

Happy Easter, everyone! Whether you are full of joy, or like the first disciples full of questions and fear and anxiety, may you hear Jesus’ voice as he enters the room and says “Peace be with you”. If you liked this post, please share using the buttons below. Also, you can subscribe by clicking here […]

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Apr 042015

I’ve always found today to be a strange day. Friday has gone, and Sunday is coming, but it isn’t here yet. Where should we find ourselves on Easter Saturday? Where does it fit in our spirituality? Here’s the next of my videos on words from John’s Gospel. Today: “Solemnity” If you liked this post, please […]

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Apr 032015

Today, I am sharing my Good Friday video, as I continue to explore words from John’s Gospel. We call it ‘good’, but why? It feels pretty bad lots of the time. If you liked this post, please share using the buttons below. Also, you can subscribe by clicking here to receive all future posts by […]

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Jesus, not David Cameron, gets to decide what Christian faith is

Apr 022015
Jesus, not David Cameron, gets to decide what Christian faith is

You may have noticed there is an election coming up, and campaigns are brewing. I think that’s important, and I am following it all quite closely. You may also have noticed that Easter is upon us, and Christians are turning their thoughts even more closely to remember the most crucial part of our faith: the […]

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Apr 022015

As I continue to post up here the videos I’ve been making for Easter week, today’s word from John’s gospel is this: “feet”. I have to admit, this one is my favourite. It contains one of my favourite cheesy preacher lines, which I came up with a few years ago when preaching on this passage. […]

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Apr 012015

As in the last few days, I am posting a video I’ve made focusing on one word from John’s Gospel. I’ve been very gratified by the responses to these videos, as people have found them very helpful in their devotions as they journey through Easter week. Today, the word is “light”. There is great hope […]

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Mar 312015

This is the third of the Easter Reflections I’ve made for Gold Hill, reflecting on words from John’s Gospel. Today, a bit of a challenge to us, as we meet people who wanted to follow Jesus but didn’t. Hope you enjoy. If you liked this post, please share using the buttons below. Also, you can […]

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Mar 302015

This is the second of my Easter reflection videos that I’ve made for Gold Hill. Like yesterday’s, it is based around one word in John’s Gospel. Today that word is “Life”. What sort of life is it that Jesus offers? And how do we attain it? I hope you enjoy it. If you liked this […]

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Mar 292015

As part of my ministry at Gold Hill, I’ve been putting together some Easter reflections for people to use during Easter week, from today through till Easter Sunday. I decided it would be a good idea to share them here, too. I’m not going to write a lot about each one, just share them simply. […]

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