
Apr 032015

Today, I am sharing my Good Friday video, as I continue to explore words from John’s Gospel. We call it ‘good’, but why? It feels pretty bad lots of the time. If you liked this post, please share using the buttons below. Also, you can subscribe by clicking here to receive all future posts by […]

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Mar 302015

This is the second of my Easter reflection videos that I’ve made for Gold Hill. Like yesterday’s, it is based around one word in John’s Gospel. Today that word is “Life”. What sort of life is it that Jesus offers? And how do we attain it? I hope you enjoy it. If you liked this […]

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Easter, and living the great story of our faith

Apr 202014
Easter, and living the great story of our faith

Because of other commitments I haven’t been at home for the whole of Easter week in quite a few years. I’ve been home for Good Friday and then been elsewhere for Easter Sunday, or the other way round, or something else, but never at home for the whole of Holy Week. Until this year. This […]

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Mika’s limp: it’s like Jesus!

Apr 172014
Mika's limp: it's like Jesus!

Yesterday our dog Mika did something which was just beautiful. I want to tell that story for two reasons. First, it’s a great story, and who doesn’t love cute dog stories? Second, it encapsulates something of the beauty of what Jesus has done. (And I guess third, it’s a story about limping, so how could I not?) […]

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Jan 162014

As I continue responding to the discussions on my post about Ricky Gervais, I now come to the second of three challenges I made to Christians (first here). It’s to do with the message we have to offer. I said we often begin explaining our faith with “You’re going to hell”, before carrying on with […]

Jan 102014
People should challenge Christianity

If you were to read through the comments on last week’s post, ‘A warning to Christian followers of @RickyGervais’, you’d see they fall into three main areas of discussion. It’s not surprising these three areas relate to the three challenges I made to Christians seeking to engage with non-Christians, particularly followers of Ricky Gervais on […]

Jesus was a loser, so you can be too

Nov 182013
Jesus was a loser, so you can be too

I know I shouldn’t but I worry sometimes. I worry about whether I’m going to do well at things. I worry what other people think of me and my work. I worry about letting God down if I mess up or fail at something. I worry about failing instead of succeeding. I don’t want to […]

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Oct 092013
The Jesus who struggled

A few weeks ago I missed an opportunity, I think. I was preaching, and the sermon was on Jesus as our ‘great high priest’ from the book of Hebrews (4:14–5:10 if you must know). As part of it, I said this: “Jesus is the perfect high priest because he entered into the grittiness and the […]

Christlike: the bare essentials

Apr 182013
Christlike: the bare essentials

The last few posts on being Christlike have been quite long and wordy. I want to take this forward a little, but to do so I think I need to summarise. I shall allow myself only six bullet points. If being Christlike is all about embodying the overarching story of Jesus – His incarnation, crucifixion […]

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