Oct 052013
How does God speak?

Hello again, internet. It’s been a while since my last post, so sorry if that’s disappointed anyone. It has been a rather busy summer, and this is one thing that slipped a little. But I’m back. What do we mean when we say God speaks today? It’s something I hear quite often. Or I hear […]

The Nazareth Manifesto, and why I don’t label myself

Jun 132013
The Nazareth Manifesto, and why I don't label myself

There are a few verses from Luke 4 which I (and lots of other people) really love! They are part of a passage in Luke’s gospel commonly known as the Nazareth Manifesto, where Jesus heads to the synagogue, opens up the scroll of Isaiah and quotes these words. Then he preaches, starting with the words: “Today […]

 8 Responses »

Christlike: Being Resurrected

Apr 112013
Christlike: Being Resurrected

If being ‘Christlike’ is about embodying the big story of Jesus, in his incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection, what does the last part mean? How can we embody the resurrection? The easy answer is that we can’t now but one day will. Jesus’ resurrection assures us death will not hold us, and we too will be […]

 3 Responses »

What boat are you in?

Apr 082013
What boat are you in?

I’ve sailed a number of times now, and each time I’ve been struck by how good an illustration sailing is for all kinds of aspects of the Christian life. So this will be the first of a bunch of posts about sailing! (I need to admit the ideas behind this first one aren’t my own […]

 8 Responses »

Afraid of my gifts

Feb 262013
Afraid of my gifts

I was talking with someone I look up to and admire deeply a while back, discussing some of my frustrations in a particular situation. As if I needed to excuse my feelings, I said “but maybe it’s just because I’m too young and idealistic.” He challenged me quite strongly. I was told, “Don’t apologise for […]

 8 Responses »