Dave Criddle: the man behind the limp


When I started this blog, a page like this was pointless. The only people that read it were people who knew me already, but things have changed a little since then and you may be here wondering who I am. Here are some answers.

Dave Criddle

Who is Dave Criddle?

I am a 26-year-old (must remember to change that next year…) human being.

I am a Christian. I became one around the age of 11, and was baptised aged 13. I haven’t got this right yet, but I’m seeking to put Jesus at the centre of my whole life, living entirely for Him, His kingdom and His mission. I want to live my life in accordance with what He has revealed through His word the Bible, and in the power of His Spirit. That is a life worth living.

I am one of the pastors in a church in the South of England (). I believe I have a calling on my life to work full-time for God’s Church, and I’m delighted that for this season of my life it has led me to be part of this church which I love and which is releasing me to exercise and grow the gifts God has given me. At present my main area of responsibility is leading Gold Hill’s online mission and discipleship, a hugely exciting task and one I believe is very important.

I am a preacher. This may sound like a repetition of the previous paragraph. But I include it here separately because I believe that the primary gifting God has given, and the primary way in which I am to serve Christ’s Church is through opening up God’s word to people in meaningful ways through preaching and teaching.

I am an award-winning blogger! (Yeah, had to slip that one in…)

I am a strong believer in community, that we are meant not to live our lives isolated but invest in deep relationships, share our whole lives with one another. I am blessed by some amazing friends who I am privileged to share life with.

I am convinced that the internet, social media and the online world is a powerful tool which the Church needs to embrace and harness to share the gospel of Jesus with the world. The world lives online, and so we should live with it there and bring faith to life online. This is, increasingly – and in large part due to the effect this blog has had on me – a huge passion of mine.

I am a unicyclist.

That is, inevitably, a very poor introduction to who I am, but there you go! Any questions, drop them in the box.