
Jun 252015

I have a lot going on at the minute. I’m in the middle of a very difficult season in my life. The most difficult. I’ve written about that before, and I’m not going to go over it all again here. There have been times when all I’ve really been able to think about is me, […]


Mar 312015

This is the third of the Easter Reflections I’ve made for Gold Hill, reflecting on words from John’s Gospel. Today, a bit of a challenge to us, as we meet people who wanted to follow Jesus but didn’t. Hope you enjoy. If you liked this post, please share using the buttons below. Also, you can […]

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Feb 212015
Three months on

Three months ago today my life was turned upside down. It felt as though the bottom fell out of my life and I would never stop falling. So many things that felt certain no longer were. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, this is the post where I shared what happened.) It’s three months […]

100 posts on. Back to limping.

Jul 192014
100 posts on. Back to limping.

This is my 100th post on this blog. I’m quite pleased with that, and I felt I should mark it in some way. While working out what that might be, I reflected a little on what the purpose of the blog is. The point hasn’t been to build up a regular readership. The point hasn’t […]

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Faith when you don’t feel like it

May 042014
Faith when you don't feel like it

I’m going to be honest. Sometimes I don’t feel like praying, reading my Bible or going to church to be around other Christians. I’ll be even more honest and say this: sometimes when I’ve felt like that I’ve just not bothered. I don’t think this is just me – I imagine it’s a fairly universal Christian experience. […]

 2 Responses »

5 ways my blog makes me a worse person

Apr 022014
5 ways my blog makes me a worse person

This is part one of a two-part series on the effects my blog has on me. The second part will be ‘5 ways my blog makes me a better person’, and together they form an exploration of how blogging affects my character. The truth is my blog doesn’t make me good or bad. It is […]

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