The story of this blog


Much has happened since I set up this blog, and I thought a little history might be fun for some. Doubtless for others it will be interminably boring, but I heard recently you don’t HAVE to read everything on the internet. Madness.


BloggerI set up the first iteration of this blog on Google’s ‘blogger’ platform in January 2013. It came at a time when I was being a lot more deliberate in trying to think things through. I also wanted to find a way to express what I was thinking, instead of just talking to myself (though I still do that).

The image of limping became important for me, because I didn’t want just to believe things that are comfortable, but things that are true. So the title was born.

But I wanted to be on that journey with accountability, so something public was important. I didn’t want to go off the rails, so people being able to tell me I’m wrong was important. Public and interactive, but mine. That’s what I needed.

I enjoyed writing things. I enjoyed that a number of people started to like what I was writing. All was good. Simple and good.

The award

Little to my knowledge, there was a lady from the church I grew up in who liked my blog a lot. Enough, in fact, to nominate it for an award at Premier Christian Media’s ‘Christian New Media Awards’. I had never expected my blog to be seen by more than just a handful of friends, but now it was.

I also never expected to win an award, but the blog did win and I was crowned (there was no crown) ‘Young Blogger of the Year 2013’. It was very surreal.


It was then that I decided to be a lot more deliberate about the whole thing. I’ve not changed the sorts of things I blog about, but more people do read it so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t just waffling. I also moved to a self-hosted WordPress site, which is a lot better for a whole load of very boring reasons.

I was now a blogger, not just a guy with a blog.

A strange week

The other big thing that’s happened was that Ricky Gervais saw a post I’d written, liked it and posted several links to it on Twitter. My server couldn’t handle it, and the blog broke.

The hype from that all died down, but it did again increase my readership, especially among people who aren’t Christians. Again, this didn’t change what I write about (aside from a few posts responding to comments). But it did once again increase the seriousness with which I take the whole thing.

So ‘Limping into Truth’ has grown from a thought to a passing interest to a hobby to something I now consider a part of my service and ministry for God. And who knows what’ll happen next?