“If every prayer” by Riodhna Duncan

Mar 142015
"If every prayer" by Riodhna Duncan

I’ve just got home from being with some of the wonderful young people from our church on an all night prayer event. It’s part of a 24/7 prayer initiative across churches in our community. It was an amazing time, and I am learning so much from the faith of these young guys and girls. They […]

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My family are dying. Please help.

Aug 122014
My family are dying. Please help.

I haven’t posted on here in a little while. There are a few reasons, but the main one is this: every time I’ve loaded up my computer to write a blog post I’ve seen all the status, tweets, blogs, news articles and profile pictures all pointing to one thing—Christians being persecuted and slaughtered. Things like […]

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Jun 042014
Unity: one of my favourite things ever!

Last night my church did something that reminded me of one of my favourite things ever. It was a joint church prayer meeting. May not sound much, but I loved it. It embodied one of the best things ever: Churches being united. I grew up in a youth group run by people from a number of local […]

How to share the gospel

May 112014
How to share the gospel

What a presumptuous title for a blog post! It sounds like I, Dave Criddle, think I’ve cracked it and have the how-to guide on how to share the good news. Far from it!! This week, I preached on 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10. In it Paul describes how he shared the gospel with non-believers in Thessalonica. I was deeply challenged by his evangelistic method(s) and […]

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Faith when you don’t feel like it

May 042014
Faith when you don't feel like it

I’m going to be honest. Sometimes I don’t feel like praying, reading my Bible or going to church to be around other Christians. I’ll be even more honest and say this: sometimes when I’ve felt like that I’ve just not bothered. I don’t think this is just me – I imagine it’s a fairly universal Christian experience. […]

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My favourite thing about our church

Nov 152013
My favourite thing about our church

People sometimes ask me what the best thing about my church is (possibly because my church is relatively well-known). My answer couldn’t be more simple: my small group. I love so much about our church, but my favourite thing is our small group. Why I love my small group It may seem odd that that’s […]

 8 Responses »
Oct 052013
How does God speak?

Hello again, internet. It’s been a while since my last post, so sorry if that’s disappointed anyone. It has been a rather busy summer, and this is one thing that slipped a little. But I’m back. What do we mean when we say God speaks today? It’s something I hear quite often. Or I hear […]

Bad language (3): being inaccurate

May 232013
Bad language (3): being inaccurate

I’ve been a little hung up on words recently. We need to be growing in our understanding of the language of our faith, but not in a way that excludes people or makes learning theory the most important thing. There’s one other thing, though, which I think we need to be wary off… Getting sloppy […]

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3 hours, 7 minutes

Mar 192013
3 hours, 7 minutes

This is a little story about me. Two days ago, on Sunday, I wasn’t feeling very well. I’ve been having back problems for a couple of weeks, and the medicine I was taking helped the pain but had the side effect of quite bad nausea. So on Sunday I had stopped taking them. The back […]

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