Jesus, not David Cameron, gets to decide what Christian faith is

Apr 022015
Jesus, not David Cameron, gets to decide what Christian faith is

You may have noticed there is an election coming up, and campaigns are brewing. I think that’s important, and I am following it all quite closely. You may also have noticed that Easter is upon us, and Christians are turning their thoughts even more closely to remember the most crucial part of our faith: the […]

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Am I exclusive like Francis Maude is?

Jun 122014
Am I exclusive like Francis Maude is?

Yesterday at our staff prayer meeting at church, we had a bunch of different newspapers out and we prayed for the world and all that’s going on in it. I saw a story about Francis Maude, UK Cabinet Office minister, and it made me sad. He was speaking about making government services more readily available […]

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I’m in the news!

Jun 032014
I'm in the news!

I’ve been a little quiet on here in the last few weeks. It’s nothing personal. I’ve been on holiday with my wife, and haven’t blogged while away. Normal service will resume shortly, I promise! In the meantime, here’s a fun thing – that post I wrote about Ricky Gervais back in January has made local […]

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Eric Pickles, bad journalism, and fighting for the right to be heard

Apr 102014
Eric Pickles, bad journalism, and fighting for the right to be heard

Eric Pickles, the UK Communities Secretary, has come out recently and said that Britain is a ‘Christian nation’ and that ‘militant atheists’ should just ‘get over it’. This was in the context of defending a law that ensured the rights of councils who wished to pray at the start of public meetings. That would be […]

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