
Apr 052015

Happy Easter, everyone! Whether you are full of joy, or like the first disciples full of questions and fear and anxiety, may you hear Jesus’ voice as he enters the room and says “Peace be with you”. If you liked this post, please share using the buttons below. Also, you can subscribe by clicking here […]

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Jesus, not David Cameron, gets to decide what Christian faith is

Apr 022015
Jesus, not David Cameron, gets to decide what Christian faith is

You may have noticed there is an election coming up, and campaigns are brewing. I think that’s important, and I am following it all quite closely. You may also have noticed that Easter is upon us, and Christians are turning their thoughts even more closely to remember the most crucial part of our faith: the […]

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Mika’s limp: it’s like Jesus!

Apr 172014
Mika's limp: it's like Jesus!

Yesterday our dog Mika did something which was just beautiful. I want to tell that story for two reasons. First, it’s a great story, and who doesn’t love cute dog stories? Second, it encapsulates something of the beauty of what Jesus has done. (And I guess third, it’s a story about limping, so how could I not?) […]

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Jan 162014

As I continue responding to the discussions on my post about Ricky Gervais, I now come to the second of three challenges I made to Christians (first here). It’s to do with the message we have to offer. I said we often begin explaining our faith with “You’re going to hell”, before carrying on with […]

Christlike: the bare essentials

Apr 182013
Christlike: the bare essentials

The last few posts on being Christlike have been quite long and wordy. I want to take this forward a little, but to do so I think I need to summarise. I shall allow myself only six bullet points. If being Christlike is all about embodying the overarching story of Jesus – His incarnation, crucifixion […]

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Christlike: Being Resurrected

Apr 112013
Christlike: Being Resurrected

If being ‘Christlike’ is about embodying the big story of Jesus, in his incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection, what does the last part mean? How can we embody the resurrection? The easy answer is that we can’t now but one day will. Jesus’ resurrection assures us death will not hold us, and we too will be […]

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Christlike: Imitation or Embodiment?

Mar 072013
Christlike: Imitation or Embodiment?

There’s a lot of talk about being Christlike in the church. This is a good thing. We hear of Christlike mission, Christlike service, Christlike priorities, Christlike preaching, Christlike everything really. Like I said, this is a good thing. We are meant to be striving towards Christlikeness, each day becoming more and more like Jesus. The […]

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