“Where’s your god now?”

Jul 302014

“Come to Jesus and all your problems will be solved immediately!” There are some preachers and evangelists who give exactly that message. If you give your life to Jesus, health and wealth will quickly follow. You’ll face no more hardship and everything will go well with your life. There are some. But not many. Very […]

 1 Response »

The latest “Atheists are wrong” video, and why I didn’t share it on Facebook.

Jul 112014
The latest

You may have seen a video doing the rounds recently on Facebook. You may even have shared it around yourself. If you did, this post is not designed to make you feel bad, but to ask some questions about how useful they are. I’m not sure videos like this are particularly useful. Sometimes they can […]

 4 Responses »
Jun 252014
Life is basically meaningless. Right?

Regular readers of this blog will know I love my small group! I’ve talked about them here and here (and one of the people in my small group wrote a post for me here). Last week, we started something new. We are studying the book of Ecclesiastes every other week when we meet. We each commit to reading […]

Jan 242014
Why do I believe the ridiculous?

This will probably be the last post responding to comments on my much-read Ricky Gervais post. The first explored why it is actually ok for people to challenge Christians, and the second presented a gospel which is not just a threat of hell. Now I come to probably the most common question: Why do I […]

Jan 162014

As I continue responding to the discussions on my post about Ricky Gervais, I now come to the second of three challenges I made to Christians (first here). It’s to do with the message we have to offer. I said we often begin explaining our faith with “You’re going to hell”, before carrying on with […]

Jan 032014
A warning to Christian followers of @rickygervais

I’m a big fan of Twitter. I love it, and one reason is that you can connect with people you don’t know, including celebrities. One of them is Ricky Gervais . An introduction to @rickygervais Ricky (yeah, I’m going with first names) is a controversial guy. His comedy is controversial, and so are his tweets. (By […]