Mar 042014
Why are you a Christian?

This is the 67th post on this blog, and every one so far has been written by me. That is going to change very soon! I’ve decided to do something a little different, which I’m really excited about. I’ve asked some people – and will be asking some more – to answer this question: “Why […]

Feb 232014
5 reasons I'm a Christian blogger

I’ve been asked to speak at our church’s men’s breakfast soon on this topic: ‘My life as a Christian blogger’. It’s very exciting, and it’s got me trying to get to the bottom of this question: Why do I blog? Here are my top 5 reasons so far. 1. Integrity – not becoming mindless The […]

Jan 102014
People should challenge Christianity

If you were to read through the comments on last week’s post, ‘A warning to Christian followers of @RickyGervais’, you’d see they fall into three main areas of discussion. It’s not surprising these three areas relate to the three challenges I made to Christians seeking to engage with non-Christians, particularly followers of Ricky Gervais on […]

Jan 062014
When Ricky broke my blog, and what's next

Three days ago I wrote a post called ‘A warning to Christian followers of @rickygervais’. It was about how Christians should – or more accurately should NOT – engage with people who don’t share our beliefs, using some of Ricky Gervais’s twitter followers as a window into the subject. To cut a long story short, […]

Dec 312013
2013: The year I started to limp

Tonight is the last day of 2013, I set up this blog almost a year ago now, and this is my 50th post. Any of those three statements would be enough to justify a post looking back over the last year’s posts, so why not, eh? This blog has become more and more important to […]

I’ve moved!

Nov 152013
I've moved!

If you’re reading this, you are doing so on a different website than you used to. That’s because I have moved to a different platform to support my blog. This is now on a self-hosted wordpress blog, not blogger. That’s why the url has changed to just I’ll spare you all the reasons why, […]

 3 Responses »

I am ‘Young Blogger of the Year’

Nov 102013
I am 'Young Blogger of the Year'

Well, this has happened now. What an amazing evening last night was, and what a shock, honour and joy to win my category. I want to share a little of the evening with you all. Let’s start at the very beginning The awards were at The Brewery on Chiswell Street in London. Mel and I […]

 3 Responses »

I’m going to the BAFTAs! (almost…)

Nov 042013
I'm going to the BAFTAs! (almost...)

Me: What you up to at the weekend? You: Nothing much. How about you? Me: Same, not much. Except I’m going to an AWARDS CEREMONY at an AWESOME CONFERENCE!! You: Ok. Yes. It’s true. On Saturday Mel, a friend and I will be dressing up all fancy (Mel got a new dress, and she looks […]

 6 Responses »


Jan 312013

Why do I choose the image of limping to describe the walk and the journey I am committing to? Wrestling with God The simple answer is that it refers to a story from Genesis (32:22-32) where Jacob physically wrestles all night long with God and leaves the encounter with a limp. I myself have never […]

 6 Responses »