Faith when you don’t feel like it

May 042014
Faith when you don't feel like it

I’m going to be honest. Sometimes I don’t feel like praying, reading my Bible or going to church to be around other Christians. I’ll be even more honest and say this: sometimes when I’ve felt like that I’ve just not bothered. I don’t think this is just me – I imagine it’s a fairly universal Christian experience. […]

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Easter, and living the great story of our faith

Apr 202014
Easter, and living the great story of our faith

Because of other commitments I haven’t been at home for the whole of Easter week in quite a few years. I’ve been home for Good Friday and then been elsewhere for Easter Sunday, or the other way round, or something else, but never at home for the whole of Holy Week. Until this year. This […]

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Mar 172014
Is doubt a sin?

I’d be lying if I said I never have doubts about faith. I cannot claim to fully understand God and it’s uncomfortable. I don’t want uncertainty, but where there is uncertainty, doubt is normal. Doubt is hard enough to live with. Trying to follow God who is so wonderful He eludes our comprehension is difficult. […]

Mar 062014
No longer ashamed of the jealous God

I’m really excited about the “Why are you a Christian?” project I’ve started, and Matthew’s answer yesterday. But it’s not all I’m going to be posting. I’ll do regular posts as well. Like this one! On Saturday, I tweeted a summary of what I’d been reflecting on in my quiet time (as I’ve been doing […]

Feb 252014
The problem with some worship songs

There’s far more to faith and Christianity than what goes on in our church services, but that doesn’t mean what we do together doesn’t matter. We should make sure what we do is right and honouring to God. An important part of what we do together is sing. But there’s a worrying trend in the […]

Bad language (3): being inaccurate

May 232013
Bad language (3): being inaccurate

I’ve been a little hung up on words recently. We need to be growing in our understanding of the language of our faith, but not in a way that excludes people or makes learning theory the most important thing. There’s one other thing, though, which I think we need to be wary off… Getting sloppy […]

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You can’t go out that way

Apr 252013
You can't go out that way

I’ve never just blogged about a verse or passage that’s struck me before, but this time I am. Maybe I will again. Maybe I won’t. It’s anyone’s guess. I’ve been reading Ezekiel recently. I’ll be honest with you – I find Ezekiel a bit hard… The declarations of judgment are long, the visions hard to […]

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