Who’s your favourite blogger?

Jul 142014
Who's your favourite blogger?

Well, apart from me, obviously… 😉 You may remember that back in November I won an award for this blog. I was named ‘Young Christian Blogger of the Year’ by Premier Christian Media’s New Media division at their annual awards and conference day, #CNMAC13. You may not remember, but I promise you it happened. But […]

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Why Christians should expect big things

Jul 062014
Why Christians should expect big things

“Be brave, and be expectant.” This is what one of the dads at our church said to his youngest daughter as she went off for her induction day at secondary school. She starts in September, and it’s a big move. “Be brave, and be expectant.” That first part about bravery, you sort of expect from […]

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If you go to one Christian festival this year…

Apr 252014
If you go to one Christian festival this year...

Ok, I have to declare a vested interest on this one. I am part of the leadership of the youth track for this conference, but even if I weren’t I’d still think it is a great conference and very worthy way to spend a weekend in June. It’s called GO Fest, and that one word […]

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“Jesus wants his church back” – Malcolm Duncan

Mar 212014
"Jesus wants his church back" – Malcolm Duncan

I want to share some words which I was deeply struck by and which I think are very important for the church in our nation to hear. I claim no credit for this post. The words are those of my pastor, Malcolm Duncan, and I reproduce them here with his permission. A little context. Two […]

 10 Responses »
Nov 292013
What is your church like?

This is a question I’ve heard a number of times in my life. Two Christians are talking, and want to understand each other’s church or theological traditions. So they ask a very natural question: ‘What is your church like?’ I think there is a problem with this question though. As an aside, it can sometimes […]

My favourite thing about our church

Nov 152013
My favourite thing about our church

People sometimes ask me what the best thing about my church is (possibly because my church is relatively well-known). My answer couldn’t be more simple: my small group. I love so much about our church, but my favourite thing is our small group. Why I love my small group It may seem odd that that’s […]

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I am ‘Young Blogger of the Year’

Nov 102013
I am 'Young Blogger of the Year'

Well, this has happened now. What an amazing evening last night was, and what a shock, honour and joy to win my category. I want to share a little of the evening with you all. Let’s start at the very beginning The awards were at The Brewery on Chiswell Street in London. Mel and I […]

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Time to dream

Jun 062013
Time to dream

Google is well known for allowing employees to spend 20% of their time not working on whatever it is they’re meant to. They can play around with anything that gets them excited, and Google owns the results. As a result, Google produces loads things it never planned to want. Like Google Maps. Here are two […]

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Personal Life Statement

May 092013
Personal Life Statement

During my year as an intern at Gold Hill, I have been part of a training programme called ‘Growing Leaders’. I’ve mentioned it here before, and it has been very good indeed. One thing we were encouraged to do (which I’ll admit I found a little daunting) was to work through a process to come […]

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