Jan 112014
I've been making a movie!

So, I’ve made a movie. And you might be in it! Those who’ve been following this blog a while won’t be surprised by that. I wrote a post 9 months ago sharing the first 90 seconds of it, but now it’s 6 minutes long. A movie about me I made this film using an app […]

Dec 032013
The Bible: trusting God isn't the main thing

Last night, Mel and I caught up on ‘The Bible’ TV series which started on Saturday night. In a few weeks this link won’t work, but for now it can be found here. We didn’t really know what to expect, but here are some of my reflections… What a great show! I think it’s fantastic […]

It’s the little things…

Apr 102013
It's the little things...

For a quarter of a year now, I have been filming one second of video footage each day to create a video that is about 1.5 minutes long. I’ve been doing it using an app on my phone called “1 Second Everyday” which a friend pointed me to. More information can be found at here. […]

 9 Responses »

I am sorry

Mar 212013
I am sorry

I was going to post another in the ‘Christlike’ series today, but instead want to do something else. In one sense, this post won’t include anything original from me, because I want instead to bring to your attention a series of four very moving videos, all posted below. They are four poems, written and performed […]

 3 Responses »