
Jun 252015

I have a lot going on at the minute. I’m in the middle of a very difficult season in my life. The most difficult. I’ve written about that before, and I’m not going to go over it all again here. There have been times when all I’ve really been able to think about is me, […]


Apr 042015

I’ve always found today to be a strange day. Friday has gone, and Sunday is coming, but it isn’t here yet. Where should we find ourselves on Easter Saturday? Where does it fit in our spirituality? Here’s the next of my videos on words from John’s Gospel. Today: “Solemnity” If you liked this post, please […]

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“If every prayer” by Riodhna Duncan

Mar 142015
"If every prayer" by Riodhna Duncan

I’ve just got home from being with some of the wonderful young people from our church on an all night prayer event. It’s part of a 24/7 prayer initiative across churches in our community. It was an amazing time, and I am learning so much from the faith of these young guys and girls. They […]

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The difference between happiness and joy

Mar 072015
The difference between happiness and joy

I had a great evening yesterday. After a week of barely sleeping I was feeling very rough indeed. I came very close to cancelling my plans, but I’m so glad I didn’t! I want to share some of what I ended up talking about. Great people, great conversation Gemma is an old friend, and I […]

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I want to be a God Gazer

Feb 272015
I want to be a God Gazer

Of late, my posts here have been about the situation I’m in personally and what that’s meaning for my life. I’ll almost certainly keep blogging in that way, but it’s not all this blog will be. It’s not all my life is, so it won’t be all this blog is. Today, I’m writing about something […]

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Being wept with as I weep

Feb 252015
Being wept with as I weep

In my last post, I mentioned that I cry a lot at the minute. Not every day, but most. It ranges from the stoic kind of crying, with a single tear rolling down my cheek to the violent, shaking, uncontrollable, snotty blubbering kind. I resonate a little with the Psalmist who wrote ‘My tears have […]

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Feb 212015
Three months on

Three months ago today my life was turned upside down. It felt as though the bottom fell out of my life and I would never stop falling. So many things that felt certain no longer were. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, this is the post where I shared what happened.) It’s three months […]

Is God enough?

Jan 212015
Is God enough?

Is God enough? It’s a question that’s been prodding at me in recent days. We Christians say it and we sing it, but do we actually mean it? Do we really think God’s enough, or are we really after other stuff? Spoiler: I do believe God’s enough, but I want to share a little of […]

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What I’m learning about hope

Jan 192015
What I'm learning about hope

I shared last night with some people at one of our church gatherings about my current situation. As I talked it through with my colleague who would be interviewing me, the theme that surprisingly came through very clearly was this: I have hope. What hope isn’t I want to be very clear about what I don’t mean […]

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Jun 252014
Life is basically meaningless. Right?

Regular readers of this blog will know I love my small group! I’ve talked about them here and here (and one of the people in my small group wrote a post for me here). Last week, we started something new. We are studying the book of Ecclesiastes every other week when we meet. We each commit to reading […]