If you go to one Christian festival this year…

Apr 252014
If you go to one Christian festival this year...

Ok, I have to declare a vested interest on this one. I am part of the leadership of the youth track for this conference, but even if I weren’t I’d still think it is a great conference and very worthy way to spend a weekend in June. It’s called GO Fest, and that one word […]

 3 Responses »
Feb 122014
#kingsenglish: why I tweet my quiet times

If you were to follow me on Twitter, you would see that my first tweet every day ends with the hashtag #kingsenglish. That is because I have started tweeting summaries of my quiet time reading. This is a post about why. ‘King’s English’ – great stuff! The King’s English is a book that started out […]

Dec 032013
The Bible: trusting God isn't the main thing

Last night, Mel and I caught up on ‘The Bible’ TV series which started on Saturday night. In a few weeks this link won’t work, but for now it can be found here. We didn’t really know what to expect, but here are some of my reflections… What a great show! I think it’s fantastic […]