Feb 212015
Three months on

Three months ago today my life was turned upside down. It felt as though the bottom fell out of my life and I would never stop falling. So many things that felt certain no longer were. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, this is the post where I shared what happened.) It’s three months […]

100 posts on. Back to limping.

Jul 192014
100 posts on. Back to limping.

This is my 100th post on this blog. I’m quite pleased with that, and I felt I should mark it in some way. While working out what that might be, I reflected a little on what the purpose of the blog is. The point hasn’t been to build up a regular readership. The point hasn’t […]

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How to share the gospel

May 112014
How to share the gospel

What a presumptuous title for a blog post! It sounds like I, Dave Criddle, think I’ve cracked it and have the how-to guide on how to share the good news. Far from it!! This week, I preached on 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10. In it Paul describes how he shared the gospel with non-believers in Thessalonica. I was deeply challenged by his evangelistic method(s) and […]

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5 ways my blog makes me a worse person

Apr 022014
5 ways my blog makes me a worse person

This is part one of a two-part series on the effects my blog has on me. The second part will be ‘5 ways my blog makes me a better person’, and together they form an exploration of how blogging affects my character. The truth is my blog doesn’t make me good or bad. It is […]

 11 Responses »
Mar 082014
Why I don't claim to be biblical

Discussion is great. Dialogue is important. But there are things we do which make it much harder. One of them is to talk about how ‘biblical’ we are being. I seek to be biblical! I just don’t claim I am Please don’t get me wrong. I believe the Bible is the word of God, inspired, […]

Jan 272014
"Your focus determines your reality"

I preached last night on the power of focus in transforming our lives. When we look at Jesus we see a perfectly and utterly focused life, focused on the purposes and priorities His Father had for His earthly life. He calls us to that same focus. The title of this post is a quotation from […]

Jan 162014

As I continue responding to the discussions on my post about Ricky Gervais, I now come to the second of three challenges I made to Christians (first here). It’s to do with the message we have to offer. I said we often begin explaining our faith with “You’re going to hell”, before carrying on with […]

Dec 112013
You are being told lies ... by yourself

On Sunday night, I introduced a room full of people to the imaginary world of Lie Land. Lie Land is full of liars. Everything is built on lies. It is impossible to tell the truth in Lie Land. The residents are unable to be or think or say truth. I then asked them to imagine […]

Do you get lost in the Old Testament?

Nov 212013
Do you get lost in the Old Testament?

The Bible is a big and complicated book. Or is it just me? If you’ve ever found the Old Testament particularly hard to read or navigate, I may have something that can help you out… From my experience, we Christians can be a lot more familiar with the New Testament than the Old Testament, and […]

 3 Responses »

I’ve changed my mind

Oct 282013
I've changed my mind

I was asked a question recently as part of a staff retreat day: When was the last time you changed your beliefs? It’s not an easy question, but a good one. Why I don’t like changing my mind Changing my mind about what I believe is true has a lot of drawbacks. It means accepting […]

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