An open email about poverty

Apr 082013
An open email about poverty

A few weeks ago I wrote some blog posts about a document produced to combat the myths use about poverty in our country (here and here). I am delighted that this document is now part of a campaign by the charity ‘Church Action on Poverty‘. I have used their website to send an email to […]

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Lies we tell ourselves

Mar 092013
Lies we tell ourselves

A week ago, I posted an article called ‘Politics, Jesus and Us’. It was sparked by the first half of a document called ‘The Lies we Tell Ourselves: ending comfortable myths about poverty‘. I was basically saying it is a good thing – though a sadly rare thing – that major Christian denominations were speaking […]

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Politics, Jesus and us

Mar 022013
Politics, Jesus and us

I am halfway through reading a document put together jointly by the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the Church of Scotland and the United Reformed Church. It is called ‘The Lies we Tell Ourselves: ending comfortable myths about poverty‘. The full document can be found here. Like I said, I’m only halfway through. […]

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