
Mar 312015

This is the third of the Easter Reflections I’ve made for Gold Hill, reflecting on words from John’s Gospel. Today, a bit of a challenge to us, as we meet people who wanted to follow Jesus but didn’t. Hope you enjoy. If you liked this post, please share using the buttons below. Also, you can […]

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“If every prayer” by Riodhna Duncan

Mar 142015
"If every prayer" by Riodhna Duncan

I’ve just got home from being with some of the wonderful young people from our church on an all night prayer event. It’s part of a 24/7 prayer initiative across churches in our community. It was an amazing time, and I am learning so much from the faith of these young guys and girls. They […]

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My family are dying. Please help.

Aug 122014
My family are dying. Please help.

I haven’t posted on here in a little while. There are a few reasons, but the main one is this: every time I’ve loaded up my computer to write a blog post I’ve seen all the status, tweets, blogs, news articles and profile pictures all pointing to one thing—Christians being persecuted and slaughtered. Things like […]

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