May 082015
My heart: hurting and healing

I haven’t written a post for a while talking about me and where I’m at. It’s now close to 6 months on from my very difficult news and the journey is continuing. But in the last week, a couple of things have really pushed me to look at my heart and see how it’s hurting and how […]

The difference between happiness and joy

Mar 072015
The difference between happiness and joy

I had a great evening yesterday. After a week of barely sleeping I was feeling very rough indeed. I came very close to cancelling my plans, but I’m so glad I didn’t! I want to share some of what I ended up talking about. Great people, great conversation Gemma is an old friend, and I […]

 12 Responses »
Feb 212015
Three months on

Three months ago today my life was turned upside down. It felt as though the bottom fell out of my life and I would never stop falling. So many things that felt certain no longer were. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, this is the post where I shared what happened.) It’s three months […]

Is God enough?

Jan 212015
Is God enough?

Is God enough? It’s a question that’s been prodding at me in recent days. We Christians say it and we sing it, but do we actually mean it? Do we really think God’s enough, or are we really after other stuff? Spoiler: I do believe God’s enough, but I want to share a little of […]

 1 Response »

What I’m learning about hope

Jan 192015
What I'm learning about hope

I shared last night with some people at one of our church gatherings about my current situation. As I talked it through with my colleague who would be interviewing me, the theme that surprisingly came through very clearly was this: I have hope. What hope isn’t I want to be very clear about what I don’t mean […]

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Why Christians should expect big things

Jul 062014
Why Christians should expect big things

“Be brave, and be expectant.” This is what one of the dads at our church said to his youngest daughter as she went off for her induction day at secondary school. She starts in September, and it’s a big move. “Be brave, and be expectant.” That first part about bravery, you sort of expect from […]

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Faith when you don’t feel like it

May 042014
Faith when you don't feel like it

I’m going to be honest. Sometimes I don’t feel like praying, reading my Bible or going to church to be around other Christians. I’ll be even more honest and say this: sometimes when I’ve felt like that I’ve just not bothered. I don’t think this is just me – I imagine it’s a fairly universal Christian experience. […]

 2 Responses »

“Why am I a Christian? Habit.” – James Pollard

May 022014
"Why am I a Christian? Habit." – James Pollard

My next instalment in the “Why are you a Christian?” series is from my friend James. I owe a lot to James. He used to be my youth leader and has had a profound impact on my life. He was trying to teach me about Jesus, and he did that plenty. But on top of that, […]

 4 Responses »

“I’m a Christian because Jesus is for real” – Cheryl Higgins

Apr 012014

It’s been a couple of weeks since the last “Why are you a Christian?” post, but I promise it hasn’t gone away. Still plenty more, and today I have a contribution from a friend called Cheryl. Cheryl is part of our church, and is also a member of the small group that Mel and I are […]

 3 Responses »
Mar 172014
Is doubt a sin?

I’d be lying if I said I never have doubts about faith. I cannot claim to fully understand God and it’s uncomfortable. I don’t want uncertainty, but where there is uncertainty, doubt is normal. Doubt is hard enough to live with. Trying to follow God who is so wonderful He eludes our comprehension is difficult. […]