
Apr 022015

As I continue to post up here the videos I’ve been making for Easter week, today’s word from John’s gospel is this: “feet”. I have to admit, this one is my favourite. It contains one of my favourite cheesy preacher lines, which I came up with a few years ago when preaching on this passage. […]

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Being wept with as I weep

Feb 252015
Being wept with as I weep

In my last post, I mentioned that I cry a lot at the minute. Not every day, but most. It ranges from the stoic kind of crying, with a single tear rolling down my cheek to the violent, shaking, uncontrollable, snotty blubbering kind. I resonate a little with the Psalmist who wrote ‘My tears have […]

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100 posts on. Back to limping.

Jul 192014
100 posts on. Back to limping.

This is my 100th post on this blog. I’m quite pleased with that, and I felt I should mark it in some way. While working out what that might be, I reflected a little on what the purpose of the blog is. The point hasn’t been to build up a regular readership. The point hasn’t […]

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May 092014
Why aren't Christians very nice?

I remember one of the things I was taught at church as a child was this: being a Christian isn’t just about being a nice person. How true! A living Christian faith isn’t about being polite. We aren’t just called to be ‘nice’. We are called to be transformed, new people enlivened with the peace and […]

Mika’s limp: it’s like Jesus!

Apr 172014
Mika's limp: it's like Jesus!

Yesterday our dog Mika did something which was just beautiful. I want to tell that story for two reasons. First, it’s a great story, and who doesn’t love cute dog stories? Second, it encapsulates something of the beauty of what Jesus has done. (And I guess third, it’s a story about limping, so how could I not?) […]

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5 ways my blog makes me a better person

Apr 052014
5 ways my blog makes me a better person

Earlier this week, I wrote a post called ‘5 ways my blog makes me a worse person’ and I promised a second post to balance it out. This is that post! As I said there, my blog doesn’t make me good or bad. There are good and bad things about me, and this blog shines […]

 4 Responses »
Jan 272014
"Your focus determines your reality"

I preached last night on the power of focus in transforming our lives. When we look at Jesus we see a perfectly and utterly focused life, focused on the purposes and priorities His Father had for His earthly life. He calls us to that same focus. The title of this post is a quotation from […]

Jesus was a loser, so you can be too

Nov 182013
Jesus was a loser, so you can be too

I know I shouldn’t but I worry sometimes. I worry about whether I’m going to do well at things. I worry what other people think of me and my work. I worry about letting God down if I mess up or fail at something. I worry about failing instead of succeeding. I don’t want to […]

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My favourite thing about our church

Nov 152013
My favourite thing about our church

People sometimes ask me what the best thing about my church is (possibly because my church is relatively well-known). My answer couldn’t be more simple: my small group. I love so much about our church, but my favourite thing is our small group. Why I love my small group It may seem odd that that’s […]

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Christlike: the bare essentials

Apr 182013
Christlike: the bare essentials

The last few posts on being Christlike have been quite long and wordy. I want to take this forward a little, but to do so I think I need to summarise. I shall allow myself only six bullet points. If being Christlike is all about embodying the overarching story of Jesus – His incarnation, crucifixion […]

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