Nov 292015
#BCaD Week 4: Genesis 22—28

It’s now almost the end of the first month of my #BCaD challenge, and I’m still loving it. Here are my reflections on these remarkable chapters of the book of Genesis. Genesis 22 Gen 22. The star of this story is God. He would do what Abraham only needed to be willing to do. He […]

Nov 222015
#BCaD Week 3: Genesis 15—21

Welcome to week 3 of the #BCaD project. Still going strong, and there’s now a wonderful bunch who are chatting through their thoughts each day on both Twitter and Facebook. It’s a lot of fun, God is moving, and it’s not too late to join in! If you’re wondering what this is all about, head […]

Nov 152015
#BCaD Week 2: Genesis 8—14

Welcome to my second weekly round-up in my ‘Bible Chapter a Day’ read-through of the whole Bible. If you want to know what this is all about, or to join in, this is where I introduced the whole thing. It’s been great to see lots of people joining in with their own reading, tweeting, Facebooking […]

Nov 082015
#BCaD Week 1: Genesis 1—7

Week one of my #BCaD project has now happened, and it’s been so cool to see so many people joining in, reading the Bible and sharing their thoughts and reflections. This is a collection of my posts, and some short reflections I’ve written. I’m loving it! Also, check out these two blogs (here and here) […]

Oct 272015
My next big project… introducing #BCaD

Ok, I’m doing something I’ve been thinking about for a while. A personal project on social media and on this blog which I’ve been planning, and which I’m really excited about. It’s definitely the biggest goal I’ve aimed for and the most ambitious undertaking I’ve set out to achieve on here. Oh, the suspense… It’s […]

Oct 232015

It’s perhaps become rather cliché, but one of the best ways of describing this life we live is a journey. As a Christian, I am walking a journey and creating a story. I believe that’s important. We are not just soldiers in an army or children in a family—though we are both of these. We […]

Oct 092015
Verging on Heresy –

Thank you everyone who’s encouraged me about my last post kicking off this ‘Verging on Heresy’ segment on the blog. It’s been cool, and I’m excited to crack on with it now. Today, my first worry about the way we sometimes think and speak has to do with this phrase: “It’s a justice issue.” Surely justice is […]

Oct 062015
Verging on Heresy

This is the first in a new kind of post I’m going to be writing for the blog. Actually, it’s more of an introduction to a new kind of post I’ll be writing. It is to do with heresy. (Also, sorry it’s been ages since I’ve blogged. I’ve taken a little break, but I’m back!) […]


Jun 252015

I have a lot going on at the minute. I’m in the middle of a very difficult season in my life. The most difficult. I’ve written about that before, and I’m not going to go over it all again here. There have been times when all I’ve really been able to think about is me, […]

May 082015
My heart: hurting and healing

I haven’t written a post for a while talking about me and where I’m at. It’s now close to 6 months on from my very difficult news and the journey is continuing. But in the last week, a couple of things have really pushed me to look at my heart and see how it’s hurting and how […]