In the midst of a world of New Year’s Resolutions and and positivity about ‘fresh starts’, I must confess I am a lot less upbeat at the minute. A year ago I did an end-of-year post on here that looked back over my first year of blogging. This year I’m not going to do that […]
New beginnings (or, ‘The future of Limping into Truth’)

Wow, it’s been over a month since I last blogged. I took a break over August because life was busy, and didn’t quite manage to pick up again in September. I’m sorry about that. Life has been a bit up in the air recently, and carving time out to write for this blog has slipped. […]
100 posts on. Back to limping.

This is my 100th post on this blog. I’m quite pleased with that, and I felt I should mark it in some way. While working out what that might be, I reflected a little on what the purpose of the blog is. The point hasn’t been to build up a regular readership. The point hasn’t […]
Who’s your favourite blogger?

Well, apart from me, obviously… 😉 You may remember that back in November I won an award for this blog. I was named ‘Young Christian Blogger of the Year’ by Premier Christian Media’s New Media division at their annual awards and conference day, #CNMAC13. You may not remember, but I promise you it happened. But […]
Why & how do I write this blog?

Today I have had a post published on someone else’s blog, and I wanted to mention it here. It is on the wonderful blog of the even more wonderful Debbie Duncan. I know Debbie from our church. She is a lecturer in Nursing in London, and is married to our pastor Malcolm. She has four […]
I’m in the news!

I’ve been a little quiet on here in the last few weeks. It’s nothing personal. I’ve been on holiday with my wife, and haven’t blogged while away. Normal service will resume shortly, I promise! In the meantime, here’s a fun thing – that post I wrote about Ricky Gervais back in January has made local […]
5 ways my blog makes me a better person

Earlier this week, I wrote a post called ‘5 ways my blog makes me a worse person’ and I promised a second post to balance it out. This is that post! As I said there, my blog doesn’t make me good or bad. There are good and bad things about me, and this blog shines […]
5 ways my blog makes me a worse person

This is part one of a two-part series on the effects my blog has on me. The second part will be ‘5 ways my blog makes me a better person’, and together they form an exploration of how blogging affects my character. The truth is my blog doesn’t make me good or bad. It is […]

Three days ago, for the first time ever, I removed a post from this blog. There have been posts which on reflection could have been better, posts which I’ve added clarification to, and a couple posts I wrote but thought better of publishing at all. But this time I deleted a post. It went live […]

This is the 5th contribution to my “Why are you a Christian?” project, and it’s unique so far in that I’ve never met the contributor. It’s by Steve Curtis, who I know solely because we are fellow Christian bloggers. He blogs over at ‘In The Fish’ – do check it out! I’ve specifically chosen today […]