Jun 252014
Life is basically meaningless. Right?

Regular readers of this blog will know I love my small group! I’ve talked about them here and here (and one of the people in my small group wrote a post for me here). Last week, we started something new. We are studying the book of Ecclesiastes every other week when we meet. We each commit to reading […]

How to share the gospel

May 112014
How to share the gospel

What a presumptuous title for a blog post! It sounds like I, Dave Criddle, think I’ve cracked it and have the how-to guide on how to share the good news. Far from it!! This week, I preached on 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10. In it Paul describes how he shared the gospel with non-believers in Thessalonica. I was deeply challenged by his evangelistic method(s) and […]

 2 Responses »

Faith when you don’t feel like it

May 042014
Faith when you don't feel like it

I’m going to be honest. Sometimes I don’t feel like praying, reading my Bible or going to church to be around other Christians. I’ll be even more honest and say this: sometimes when I’ve felt like that I’ve just not bothered. I don’t think this is just me – I imagine it’s a fairly universal Christian experience. […]

 2 Responses »
Mar 172014
Is doubt a sin?

I’d be lying if I said I never have doubts about faith. I cannot claim to fully understand God and it’s uncomfortable. I don’t want uncertainty, but where there is uncertainty, doubt is normal. Doubt is hard enough to live with. Trying to follow God who is so wonderful He eludes our comprehension is difficult. […]

Mar 082014
Why I don't claim to be biblical

Discussion is great. Dialogue is important. But there are things we do which make it much harder. One of them is to talk about how ‘biblical’ we are being. I seek to be biblical! I just don’t claim I am Please don’t get me wrong. I believe the Bible is the word of God, inspired, […]

Mar 062014
No longer ashamed of the jealous God

I’m really excited about the “Why are you a Christian?” project I’ve started, and Matthew’s answer yesterday. But it’s not all I’m going to be posting. I’ll do regular posts as well. Like this one! On Saturday, I tweeted a summary of what I’d been reflecting on in my quiet time (as I’ve been doing […]

Mar 052014

The first contributor to my “Why are you a Christian?” series is my friend Matthew Bryant. Matthew is a business systems analyst, loves worship and describes himself as a ‘part-time blogger’. His blog was one of the reasons I started to blog, so do check it out. I met Matthew and his wife Annie about 6 years […]

Feb 252014
The problem with some worship songs

There’s far more to faith and Christianity than what goes on in our church services, but that doesn’t mean what we do together doesn’t matter. We should make sure what we do is right and honouring to God. An important part of what we do together is sing. But there’s a worrying trend in the […]

Feb 122014
#kingsenglish: why I tweet my quiet times

If you were to follow me on Twitter, you would see that my first tweet every day ends with the hashtag #kingsenglish. That is because I have started tweeting summaries of my quiet time reading. This is a post about why. ‘King’s English’ – great stuff! The King’s English is a book that started out […]